Nov. 22, 2023 -- 5th Cousins

Springdale, AR

Har-Ber 11/16-11/22
Transfer Week!! Had to send off Sister Anderson (miss you already!!🥲) and met Sister Morton!! She is from South Carolina and also comes from a family of 12! I love her already - she is so much fun to talk with, knows her bible, and is a very dedicated and enthusiastic missionary. I know this area will go far because of her influence!! What are the chances the Lord would send me three best friends as companions? I feel so blessed to know Sisters Larson, Anderson, and Morton.
-     Was able to connect with a member who just moved in through our shared ancestors, Emer and Martin Harris! He was super excited to find our we were 5th cousins😎 (Shout out to Sister Luja Wilhelmsen, the only other 5th cousin I know!)
-     Thursday we had a very full day visiting all of our closest members and friends with Sister Anderson. It was such a bittersweet experience teaching them and saying goodbyes:)
-     We have been teaching this super sweet girl named Branden! She invited us in and opened up the Book of Mormon again and again, having us read off all of the verses she had come across and starred by just opening to a random page. There is such a wonderful spirit in her home<3
-    Visited a referral from a month ago one last time for good measure and he stopped his work outside and invited us in! He wants to come to church with his son and learn more!! 
-     Our friend Edna is in the hospital for surgery (please pray for her!) but we were able to talk to her neighbor out smoking. Wow she has been through so much. We were so sad as she told us all her trials lately, but then she started turning them all into blessings. It was so cool that she saw God in every high and low. Even though she was at a low right now she trusted he would once again bless her to get through it. Perspective really can change everything🩷
D&C 78
17 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you;
18 And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours. 
19 And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.
When life gets hard, and it will - focus on gratitude. That is what will bring you joy regardless of circumstance. I would challenge you to kneel down tonight (and any time you have an especially hard day) and say a prayer of only gratitude:) And to have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Love and Mizpah (Gen 31:49)
♥️Sister Harris
1. Tres Leches at Chuys
2. Sister Anderson off to Fort Smith!
3. Transfer loop with the zone
4. Diana and Elvira
5. Debbie💕
6. Panda buffet with Jeanne
7. Parker and Hanah!
8. Reagen
9. Sister Morton!!
10. Rabbits at the Weeches (thankfully still no rabbit stew)


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